Our Blogs

How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger
At Answer Heating & Cooling, Inc., we take the safety of our customers in Michigan seriously. That’s why we want you to know how to

When Should You Replace Your Furnace?
Your furnace plays the key role in keeping you warm in your Midland home, but even with routine maintenance, it does not last forever. Nobody
How Does a Gas Furnace Work?
A furnace is a big part of your life—whether you realize it or not. It keeps your Bay City home warm and can help with

Did Your Furnace Just Start Leaking Water?
If you notice your furnace leaking water, don’t be alarmed. In most cases, this is not a serious or expensive problem—it is a pretty common

6 Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Tips for Fall
Get ready for cooler weather here in Midland—fall is around the corner! When the outdoor temperatures start to drop, you probably will spend more time

5 Common AC Problems
When your air conditioner (AC) is running at peak efficiency, you win. Not only will your electric bills in Michigan be cheaper––your AC system will
Why Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance?
It’s about to heat up here in Saginaw. Make sure your air conditioner (AC) is primed for the Michigan summer heat rays by scheduling a

Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?
When the temperature is high in Michigan, the last thing you need is more hot air. But on occasion, your air conditioner (AC) malfunctions and

5 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
What do you think of when you hear about air pollution? You might immediately imagine a giant cloud of smoke, cars spewing exhaust, or a
Summer Savings Tips for AC
It’s summertime in Michigan. The team at Answer Heating & Cooling hopes you find time to relax with friends and family, taking in the beautiful
How Can You Manage Your Home’s Humidity?
Indoor humidity is a drag. It makes relaxing extremely difficult—after all, you are sweating inside your home! It can affect your health, triggering asthma attacks